Division of Human Services
The Division of Human Resources is responsible for managing job recruitment, selection, and promotion; developing and overseeing employee benefits and wellness programs; developing, promoting, and enforcing personnel policies; promoting employee career development and job training; providing orientation programs for new hires; providing guidance regarding disciplinary actions; and serving as primary contact for work-site injuries or accidents. The Division of Human Resources administers three offices: Office of Employee Relations. Office of Administrative and Fiscal Management, Office of Marketing and Media Relations.
Office of Employee Relations
The Office of Employee Relations helps interpret policies and procedures as they relate to the workplace. The Office also monitors and interprets state and federal employment laws to help understand and follow these laws as they apply to your working environment. The Office provides guidance and information on the statutes, case law, and regulations for taking conduct and performance-based actions. This office, advises the Division Directors and President on exercising the statutory authority, develops, implements, and communicates organization-wide regulations on adverse actions and employee relations policy, and provides information on how to take supportable performance-based actions.

Office of Administrative & Fiscal Management
The Office of Administrative and Fiscal Management offers financial accountability and sustainability for the organization. The Office creates budgets for approval, cost management, and timely reviews of financial reports. The Office conducts planning, organizing, directing, and controlling financial activities such as grants management, procurement, and utilization of funds of the organization.
Office of Marketing & Media Relations
The Office of Marketing and Public Relations involves working with the media to inform the public of an organization's mission, policies, and practices in a positive, consistent and credible manner. This Office coordinates directly with the people responsible for producing the news and features in the mass media. This Office manages the organization’s website, Facebook page, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other media platforms.